Holiday Refresh

Carey’s Hut. Southland Region

Gemstone Beach

Beautiful stones from Gemstone Beach

Just returned from a holiday on the South Island of New Zealand. what a place, I’ve hiked there numerous times, but hadn’t been to this particular area before. So beautiful!

Being a Queenslander and living on the Sunshine Coast, snow is not something we ever see. It was breathtaking one morning to wake up to a dusting of snow on the mountains surrounding where we stayed overnight. We started out on the hike camping overnight, but by day three, it had become extremely cold, I needed more layers for overnight, so we ended up staying in huts. Have come back feeling so refreshed and ready to start creating again.

After the hike, we had some down time in this lovely little town called Orepuki. From there we just fossicked around the beaches, did a drive to see sea lions and generally just relaxed.

We spent a lot of time sitting on a beach appropriately named Gemstone Beach. I had to limit my time there as there were too many beautiful stones, the pale green ones being my favourite. Somes of the ones I collected were just the right shape to set into a pendant or a ring, no polishing or cutting needed.

You will soon see some of my creations either here or on instagram


A thing for rings


From this to this…